The 5 Best Years
I'm curled up in bed at the moment, sunshine peeping through the corner of the blinds, with peace in my heart. 5 years ago today I woke up with a tiny sliver of this peace, and a whole lot of butterflies. I was about to marry this boy I loved. I didn't know everything about him, but what I did know was worth investing a lifetime in. It wasn't his perfection, I'm thankful I wasn't blind to his flaws, it was simply this; he loved Jesus. He was full of humility and worked harder and with greater determination than I had ever seen. And he loved me, both exactly how I was, and who I wanted to grow into...
These 5 years later, he still is and does all those things.
Right now as we are curled up in bed, with only our feet touching because a little blonde beauty is watching a show in between us, I'm so thankful for the peace I feel with this man. There are a lot of words that could describe these first 5 years together. They've been hard, exhausting, beautiful, painful, romantic, heartbreaking, hopeful... But no doubt the best 5 years of my life. Happy Anniversary Rhodric!
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