Sugar Detox!

That exclamation point is a facade. Yes we (R and I) are doing a three week sugar detox.... But I don't feel very excited about it right now. 

I have been reading about the many negative effects of sugar for some time and have been wanting to do a sugar detox for as long. But the mere thought was far too daunting. Then a friend of mine, and nutritionist, planned a group detox plan with lots of support, encouragemt and food ideas. My love language! 

When I started to tell R about how I wanted to do it, He volunteered to do it with me. What a man. And then he realized that would mean eliminating beer from his diet for three weeks.... Guess what, still doing it! What a man! 

We started yesterday, and let me tell you - three weeks is sounding freakishly long right now... But sharing this today makes me a little more determined to make the challenge so I can share the effect that this de-sugaring plays and compare my first and last day experience! 


Eating healthy meals within program guidelines: the meals went great. Lots of meat which made R happy!... Snacking was a real challenge. Like, kick the wall cause I am so tired of being hungry and not eating what I feel like challenge.... 

Drinking 64oz of water: I didn't even try to count oz because I knew I woulnt hit 64. I decided to try to drink a ton and start counting in a few days. 

Sleeping 7 or more hours: impossible when you have doubled your water intake and have a tiny bladder.... 

Moving (walking/stretching etc): took girls to park- for everyone's sanity... And we ran across a field so....

Exercise: sex counts right? Good. 

Checking in with Detox Partner (sister: Rachel): Rachel and I FaceTime about every other day anyway and are so close that immersing in one more sisterly challenge is super easy and natural! 

19 more days to go! 


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