Trailer Life: the Beginning

Last night was our first night in the trailer. 

What trailer? Well we finally decided we could not keep living in our one bedroom apartment with two rowdy little girls, so we bought and moved into a 16 ft camp trailer... That sounds a lot more crazy now that I see it in writing. 

The Sound Yet Somewhat Crazy Plan: buy the trailer. Move into it. Move the rest of our stuff into a storage unit. Clean, make repairs, prepare our duplex unit to be rented. Do this while finding a renter for it. Do all these things while finding and buying a new house. Move into new house before the first snow.... Ok that last part is a joke, just as soon as possible! 

It could be three weeks, could be three monthes... Thanks to my amazing parents for opening their patio to us! Both of our parents lived in trailers when first married with two small babes so they are supportive... And probably chuckling at us behind our backs(: 

So anyway, the first night went well. Our walls aren't quite as thick as the rest of the cities and the birds were up before dawn. 

I am looking forward to sharing tricks and tips to living in a small space! And documenting this adventure we are on!

Thanks to my sister Xan for making a hick mail box for us....


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