Gwenna Growing: a story and some quotes
For those of you who know Gwenna, you know she likes to be clean and will gladly use anyone else's clothes or stuff to wipe her hands so that she isn't dirty. Knowing this about her makes this moment so much sweeter:
Amelia just learned how to do Hi-Five and is constantly holding out her chubby little hand for them. Yesterday morning she was doing this right after eating and her hands were slimy with breakfast carnage. Gwenna was playing on the floor and saw that little outstretched hand. "Oh, she want a hi-five!...... Um... Mom is her hand clean?"... "No honey, it's pretty slimy. You don't have to giver her a hi-five right now." .... There was a moments pause then G let's out a low moan as she gets up and goes over and obliges Amelia, "it's ok if your messy sister, I can handle it." So. Sweet.
For the past month or so I have been writing down little things G says, here are a few:
"Amelia, I am the greatest big sister ever"
Me: wow it's a beautiful day! Look how sunny it is Gwenna!
G: yea! A beautiful day... For watching movies.
Cleaning up nex to the fridge I find some goldfish lined up just under the fridge. To myself "oh goodness" and start picking them up. G walks by and says, "oh I put those there mom, for a mouse for a snack."
Gwenna comes out of the bathroom:
G: mom I made a huge stack of tissue!
Me: wow! You can stack it just don't tear it up ok?
G: me not tear it up. Just stack it. Mom you have to come see. It's so tall! As tall as GOD!!
Last but not least: Gwenna grabbed a new t-shirt out of her drawer and as we put it on:
Me: Ahhh, Gwenna this makes you look like such a big girl! I don't know about this!
G: mom I am too perfect for this shirt it's ok!
Me: I just don't know if I can handle you looking like a six year old!
G: mom you can handle this! We can handle it! I love this shirt!
Hopefully this "mouse" is a figment of her imagination only! Yikes! hahaha! I love the "Mom, you can handle this! We can handle it!" What a girl!