Peace in Chaos

I tend to be a bit of a worrier... My husband will laugh when he reads that, so I will be honest- I am a worrier. But I am a redeemed worrier! Everyday I am learning to rest in God's hands and let the little things go. 

Recently I have been especially convicted about having a spirit of peace. I want my girls to be able to come rest a tearful face in my shoulder, or scraped leg on my lap without feeling rushed... Without feeling like they are my afterthought. My job, my love, is to love and care for them- the house can fall apart if that is what it takes to do my job well. I say this confidently, but I have to remind myself of it very single day... Multiple times. 

So often I have a voice in my head panicking and shouting "how can I get it all done?! It's impossible! I am always falling behind! I fail every day!" Well, getting everything on my arm long list is impossible, but loving the girls and R and just doing what I can do while loving them isn't impossible. It does mean giving up a standard that I hold for myself (and nobody else, because it would be a cruel standard to hold them too!).

Jesus, help me to love as wholly as you love. When I talk to my girls help me to look into their eyes and not all around me at the dishes and laundry. Help me let go of my own standard of perfection and rest in the freedom that you hold out to me. Amen! 

Sill reaching, Amelia's new sport

Resting amidst the mess


  1. Cheers, girlfriend! A wholehearted cheers to that!!! AMEN!


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