Waiting for Amelia

We have settled into the waiting phase! Yesterday we hit 37 weeks, full term. Dilated to one cm, 50% effaced, having loads of irregular contractions... We could have a baby tomorrow or in three weeks! Trying to be patient and enjoy these last days with just Gwenna! 

And yes we finally have a name, Amelia. Middle name(s) pending.
This was from the ultrasound a few weeks ago. Such round little cheeks!

Building with her uncle

I adore her tousled curls!
Spending a lot of time on the couch getting read to(:
The pacifiers that G picked out for Amelia 
Sleepers and onsies!
I love these two dresses! And the yellow floral fabric is for a one of her sheets, yet to be sewn. 
More newborn attire. G was so big that she only got to wear these once! 


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