A Boring Update

My creative juices? Dried up. Any clever wit I might have mustered? Nowhere to be found. 

The wait for Amelia continues as does the aches and pains of being nine months pregnant and 3cm(almost 4) dilated and 75%effaced, the physical, emotional and disciplinary needs of a two year old, and the reality that if someone doesn't go to work, you won't eat! 

This weekend holds the potential for an exciting birth story, but I rather hope this babe holds off until we get back. 18 months ago, my sister in law, Morgan, reserved us spots at Camano Island state park for our first ever Arnold family camping trip. Yes, even my dad is going, and anyone who knows him would know that this is nothing short of a miracle! 

The trip comes at a significant time, as its been one year since Lonnie filled his spot by Jesus. And the first time since that so many of us will be all together. 

We are praying for a fun, relaxing time of healing! 

The belly: 38.6 weeks
Embracing the ups and downs of Two


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