Camping Success!!!

Well we did it! And what a hoorah! I figure I had better get my pictures up right away in case something distracts me this week(: lots of family, food, adventure and love. Also, lots of parenting as the three two year olds are not used to spending quite so much time together. 

The girls woke a bit too early, so they got to start the day with a little movie time... No, they did not both sleep in that one play pen!
Rod and Justin's boat was quite a hit.
Love these two.
Showing off a big crab

Baby starfish!
Lael loves her uncle Rod
Consulting on a clam.
Rose and Blair came farther than any of us, all the way from Portland!
This lady! Planned the whole trip 18mo ago! Wouldn't have happened without her!

This was too good to pass up a picture! So thankful for my parents!
Skipping rocks
Boat riding 
Love her hair!
Uncle Rod was rather a big hit.
Auntie Love
39 weeks! Come sweet girl, come!
Making gluten free donuts
Enjoying breakfast 
Rhodric's next morning coffee
Such a cool Grammie
Granddad, always the babies favorite.
These boys and their boat!!!
The three stooges.
The girls are unbelievably corny.
Cousin shot, missing Jade and Amaris
She adores baby Gideon! 


  1. LOVE IT ALL! Especially love the sleeping grandparents pic. :D So glad you made it Tor, now COME ON BABY! :) <3

  2. oh man. you captured some great moments Tor. Thanks so much. Can't believe you pulled that trip off!
    Now trying to prepare myself for jackets in the summer again. Washington State, here I come!


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