
I just have to throw in a post to update you all on Gwenna. The girl is daily taking these bounding strides from baby hood to girl hood and it is one of the most delightful and beautifully terrifying things I have ever been a part of.

It isn't just the speech development, which is, on it's own, amazing. It's the boldness and certainty with which she approaches absolutely everything. The persistence and strength of opinion are uncanny. This presents daily challenges, sometimes the battles of will are so trying, I walk away barely the victor.

Last night I was looking to R for some sympathy on the bedtime front at 10:45 when G had just gone to sleep. His response was priceless, "but she is cuter than ever!" So true. There is something maddeningly enchanting about her spirit!

Here are a few pictures I couldn't pass up on. A year ago we thought she would be quite a Tom boy, and I am sure she will have her days (or years as I did), but right now she is a fiery ball of girl. She would have me change her earrings daily if I allowed it. Finger nails are painted whenever a willing auntie indulges her. I can never guess if its a sweater buttoned or unbuttoned day. Headband, hair now or braids? Shoes, boots or flip flops? Sunglasses in the purse, on the fave or pushed up on her head? Scarf or no? She will always have the answer!

About the last picture! Gwenna found this little parcel down in the side of our couch, which we have had for about 2 months now. I suppose that's what happens when you shop at hippy antique stores!


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