A Cold Remedy

It has been quite a week of sickness for us. A week ago it began with Gwenna losing her voice before getting so much as a runny nose. The girls and I had been planning for weeks to go to Portland to visit my sister Rose for the weekend... Thursday morning rolls around and Rose is sick with the same head cold and cough that Gwenna has. We decide not to postpone this much needed sister time and just indulge in lots of soup and movies together. About two hours after arriving I can tell I am coming down with it as well. 

Here is the ultimate concoction that Rose had put together for me making a soothing hot mug of goodness! 

Great Aunt Rose's Cold Remedy Tea:

1 Tbls apple cider vinegar
1 Tbls lemon juice 
1 Tbls coconut oil 
1 Tbls honey
1/2 tsp cinnamon 
1 cup boiling water

throw it together, give it a stir, curl up in your coziest blanket and enjoy!

Now. My mother always told me that when you are sick(especially the kind of sick that makes you want to pluck your eyeballs out and give them a good ring before popping them back in) real rest includes resting your eyes and not watching tv all day. I always argued that this wasn't really true though, like most things your mother says but you "don't believe," I knew she was right. So between this and needing something to listen to on the nap time drive to and from Portland, I went to the library to get an audio book. When met with terrible selection, I reconsidered getting one at all, then I saw The Godfather. At first I wasn't interested but then I thought that perhaps listening to this story that all men seem to know and quote might give me some sort of new insight into R's mind. Well I am about 5 hours into the 18 hour reading and can't say I have gained this insight. It is an intriguing story, but rather gruesome for my taste... we'll see if I finish it before it's due! I never renew books, never remember before the early morning after they are due.

These two are going to make amazing parents one day!
It's always hard to say goodbye
The Godfather


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