A Sweet Suprise

I have come to accept the fact that blog posts are going to be a bit less frequent for a time. And that I should just seize the little opportunities for sharing quick rid bits of this new phase of our life. 

Last night I was rather emotionally telling R all the reasons I was stressed and why we might not survive this crazy week of trying to finish the apartment and move back into it while making his parents house look a bit less like a nursery, keeping up with Gwenna's adjusting little self, all on very little sleep.
His loving reassurance and logic, while comforting, did not fully convince me that we'd make it. 

This day however, was like Jesus telling me how silly I was. Of course we would make it, and of course He'd be there every step of the way. 

What a sweet surprise! 

It started with Gwenna sleeping in until 8:25: glorious! I somehow managed to sneak in a shower. My mom stopped by for a visit, always a joy for G and I both. Then Xandra came to hold Amelia and give me moral support while I tackled a few projects. Gwenna, who thinks she has out grown her nap napped! Meaning I got one as well! Then we went to the park and for a walk before R's aunt and uncle brought us dinner. Now here I am, G asleep after a lovely story time, rocking Amelia while getting picture texts from R of his amazing progress on the house. 

Blessed days like this are more valuable than jewels!


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