Mountains and Molehills

It is amazing the huge influence that hormones have over one's disposition. I say influence because thankfully, that is all they have... At least for me. They make the molehills that I once gingerly danced about into dark looming mountains that bring fear and worry with every step.

They influence my perception, but sunny days like today, when I step outside and see that God made the world so much bigger than me, shrink those boulders back into pebbles and the mountains back to the little dirt mounds that they are.
Yes it would be nice if I did a load of laundry today, but oh dear, the whole house will not cease to function if I don't. True, I have been too tired to potty train G the exact way that I wanted and planned to, but heavens woman! She is plump and happy and will not start kindergarten in diapers even if you wanted her to! Life is an adventure, and I am thankful for the little sun fairies that whisper to remind me when I forget.

This analogy isn't completely random. We have a few beautiful fresh new molehills in our yard. I know people call them pests but I love how rich and fresh they look.

Here are some bits and pieces from our life this week:


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