Home Day
You would think that having a home day would be a fairly common occurrence. Unfortunately they are too few and far between. With dozens (ok not quite) of siblings and and cousins around, we always end up dashing too and fro visiting, running errands and having play dates. I am working once or twice a week, nannying so that keeps us out lots as well. Without fail, amidst the flurry and bustle, Gwenna lets me know in her own little way that it is time. We clear the schedule for the next day and settle in. I am always surprised by how little i actually get done, but it's worth it. We bake together, play together and wonder at the world together. Yesterday was one of those days. I found a camera up in the closet and snapped a few pictures to share. Enjoy this little glimpse of baby.
This new pose debuted when the camera came out and i asked her to hold still for a momentThis is by far one of my favorite articles of G's clothing. The blue brings out her eyes. Also, this is one of my favorite ways to do her hair. It's cute, slightly grown up and so easy to do while she is wiggling!
Who doesn't ride their piggy bank?
Fresh nap baby. Still warm and slightly smelly... beautiful.
blurry, but so happy
Trying out the potty chair... So far she thinks it's a bit boring, but likes the applause she gets for trying it out. Mostly she enjoys making her baby doll sit on.
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