Gwenna and Jed.

On Thursdays we keep company with four year old Jed. Thursdays may be both Gwenna and Amelia's favorite day of the week. He loves to entertain them in the way that 4 yr old boys do; head banging and loudly falling over- and their hearty belly laughs are enterpreted by him correctly as, "encore!" 

To be sure they don't always get along, and neither is quick to compromise, but they are getting quicker at agreeing to disagree. 

Jed being a year older, makes setting up  little preschool activities all the easier and they will chat and work on a puzzle, or project for over an hour while Amelia naps!

She will be so sad next year when he starts kindergarten. 

A couple extras of Gwenna. She is growing into the most beautiful girl! 

How did you grow up eating a sandwich?   Did you leave the crust? I was a crust first then enjoy the middle kind of girl. Gwenna proves more meticulous like daddy. She nibbles it all the way away in perfect rows! I think it's adorable! 


  1. Awwww I'm so happy to see a post about my little man! Sounds just like him. :) But what's that I see? He's holding hands with a girl?!?


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