One exciting aspect of our new house is that we actually have room to let people crash for a night or two! My sister Jade is our first overnight guest, and Gwenna was THRILLED! She even made sure her jammie pants matched her aunties. 

We put Amelia to bed and let G stay up and play games for an extra hour (I know I know, we are so generous!). Uncle Wiggly was a hit, and fun to see her experiencing the same game I used to play at my grandmas growing up.

But the ultimate highlight was Jenga! At first we told her she could watch, but after she saw how it worked she convinced us to let her try. She was amazing! Rhodric, Jade and I had our jaws on the floor with very turn she took! Such nimble little fingers! And just look at her expressions! So many of these comments: 

"This is making me so nervous!"

"I am so proud myself!!"

"That was a close one!"

Daddy coaching her through it. 

Nervous for daddy!

So proud of daddy!

Ending the night looking through our old EXPLORE magazines. Anyone remember those?! So good, but only out for 2 or 3 years. 

Good night sweet girls!


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