Little Sister Mamas

Parking the trailer at my parents has meant a lot of extra sister time with Jade and Amaris, and so lots of extra auntie love for Gwenna and Amelia. The girls have been so patient with Gwenna and ever helping with Amelia. We go for evening walks almost every night and our time wandering the neighborhood alleys is always sprinkled with interesting conversation. The past few days we've been imaging what it would have been like to live during the industrial revolution and realizing that if we were blessed enough for them not to be in the factory with all the adults, they probably would be home caring for Gwenna and Amelia on their own! 
This idea was shocking to them- here are some of their reactions:

-that's the saddest thought ever!
-it's so sad to even think about.
-how would we know what to do?
-I think we'd get tired of it. 

-you mean we wouldn't have to ask to do stuff?
-the kids would probably die. But we would learn from our mistakes. 

So thankful that we don't live in those times, and so thankful for these girls who strive to nurture their nieces so thoroughly!


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