Did the Puyallup

I really think the phrase should be, "survived the Puyallup." 

We thought the Spring Fair would be quiet and easy going... That Gwenna would love it and it would be a serene family experience... Ok well I thought that, I am sure if I had described exactly what I was expecting Rhodric would have gently reminded me of the concept of reality. 

Alright I am being a bit dramatic. It was a fun family experience, the girls did great, but Gwenna wouldn't touch a single animal ("mom, horses really do eat people."). We did get free parking so that was a bonus!  Also, it was a gorgeous day to be out in! And to top it off I got the best series of pictures of Rhodric and Amelia. 

Her sun bonnet is hilarious. 

The one time she smiled at the fair. 


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