App Break

This week I am taking the plunge. I deleted Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest off of my phone. It is something I have been feeling pulled to do for a bit now. I don't think there is anything majorly wrong with them, and I will keep them on the iPad. 

We have entered this season of life that is so full and I can just sense God working and moving all around us. It's gotten too clear to ignore. I feel like I've been wading ankle deep in prayer and in the Word...refreshing but not enough. 

As excited as I am to let The Lord use me more than ever before, I am also bracing myself for renewed attacks by the enemy. God is good, all the time.

So many sweet moments to capture without the constant distraction of social media on my phone! This happened today, and yes that is the goodwill sticker still on the wooden cart.... Can't win them all.


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