Seven Weeks and a New Hat

Amelia is seven weeks old today! 
I really can hardly believe how much I love this little being. Before she was born there was a little voice of doubt that would whisper in my ear that I would not be able to love her as much as I love Gwenna. How far from the truth! 
Although today was grueling; Colic and new levels of two year old passion, each little battle had an equally sweet moment following just around the corner. 

Her new hat; because all her newborn or 0-3 mo hats don't cover her ears anymore!

Finger painting while I clean the kitchen. She had to wipe her fingers perfectly clean with a wipe between colors.

Wish you could tell how tiny and cute this egg was!
Her pretend grumpy face. Her real one is much scarier!
Bath before bed. Yes she turned her head and got her face a few times.
"See mom, me tiny baby!" Squeezing into the large Tupperware that is Amelia's bath... Her legs didn't even begin to fit!


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