No First Day of School!

I always have loved the first day of school, but today I thoroughly enjoyed NOT having anyone in our little family having it this year! 

I am so proud of R for finishing school with so much on his plate, and so thankful he is done, even if just for now. Today especially we were struck by how grown up G is getting and realizing that she will be starting school before we know it. 

Amelia enjoyed some daddy time at dinner, sporting a onsie that was G's. can't believe how big she is and how round her face is getting! 

Just when I think she can't get any cuter, she does something like this!

Nothing more attractive than this.


  1. Awwww! Hey, I see the corner of a blankie I know. :) Sorry Amelia didn't get her own. This year just didn't hold room for baby blankets! Your little family is beautiful, Tor.

  2. When home schooling my kiddos, we often celebrated the first day of public school by going on a hike or something completely "anti-academic"! Enjoy these fleeting moments and thanks for sharing more of your beautiful family. <3


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