Nova's Birth Story Part One: Home

Well here we are in Nova's sixth week earth side and I am finally getting to sit down and share her birth story... at least the first part. The story needs to be split into two parts because the birth and after birth were two totally different experiences due to needing a hospital transfer after a wonderful home birth... Also there are just too many pictures I want to remember to cram into one giant post!
So the day was Tuesday September 13th, Gwenna's second day of Kindergarten. I woke up having some regular contractions from 5-7am but then they faded away. I insisted R go to work because days of prelabor is a pattern for me. I had a midwife appointment set for noon and the plan was for her to sweep my membranes at the appointment so I decided to do a Winco run with my sister and number one birth cheerleader, Rachel just in case the membrane sweep kick started labor... So glad I did!
When my midwife went to do the sweep she started laughing and let me know I was 3-4 cm dilated already! Awesome! She reminded me that I would probably have some contractions from the sweep that could subside again, but to call her if they kept up. Sure enough, lots of cramping and medium strength contractions. My mom came over to occupy Amelia and wash my dishes while I tried to take a nap... Of course I was way too distracted to nap, and things were definitely regulating. By 2pm I was pretty sure that I was officially in labor. I let R know but told him not to rush home, the contractions were still super manageable and I was afraid of another 10 hour labor like Amelia's. Midwife was notified and would wait to come till I was ready for her. Called my doula and birth photographer, turned out she was on her way to another birth- I knew this was a possibility and was feeling in control of my labor so this little setback wasn't upsetting. Called Rachel and told her to head over and that she was going to need to be on iphone photography duty- as you can see, she was up to the task! Texted Shauna, my sister in law who was going to attend for the experience. The last person who needed to be notified was Gwenna. Leading up to this day, she had been very nervous that in the rush of labor we would forget to get her from school. At this point Amelia was already with my other sister. So somewhere around 2 or 2:30 my mom and I walked the four blocks up to the school to pick G up. It was a beautiful day and I was so excited to be able to be out in it! By the time we picked G up and were heading back, things were intensifying again- contractions in the 6-7 minutes apart range. Rachel was driving past us to drop her kiddos at my mom, but Gwenna and Lael wanted to play (but G also didn't want to miss the birth) so another person was added to the party. This worked out great and the girls played and watched shows throughout the labor and delivery and would pop in to see how things were going.
The next hour and a bit were the exciting part; R filling up the pool, me snacking a bit and chatting between contractions, lots of jokes and laughing (crazy right?!), the rabbit was going crazy trying to be a part of the show. I had really wanted to use humor as labor tactic because I had read it keeps you loosened up and tension=pain, so I had specifically asked Rachel to keep the jokes coming, because she can get me laughing better than anyone, she was very obliging. Going into it, I was most worried about remaining calm (the pain of my labor with G had me frantic and out of control), and getting too tired (labor with A was longer and had me wiped out before transition even hit) - thankfully, being at home helped put both of these fears to rest and it was a surreal and joyful time.
Getting in the tub was heavenly! That was also the point that contractions started taking a lot more concentration to get through. I didn't need as much help as I had anticipated though, aside from the hip squeezes, I was more in tune with my body and what it needed than I had been in previous labors. I believe it was around this time, when I was in the tub alone, that my midwife and her assistant arrived. As contractions got closer and more intense, I needed R to get in the tub to help me. If you know the man, you know he's very laid back and calm... Having his strong body to lean against and have around me became my new coping mechanism. As the waves came I would just lean harder onto him and his energy of peace and strength would wash over me.
Sometime near 5 or 5:30 I said I thought I was hitting transition and asked Tennica (midwife) to check me; 9 cm! So exciting to hear I was almost done with transition, not just starting it like I thought. Soon I decided I really needed to get to the bathroom to pee but walking proved not an option, as I was sitting up on R trying to get out, they convinced me just to go for it, and then SPLASH my water broke! I burst out laughing- so comical!
Pushing commenced shortly after that, and I was so thankful to both be feeling the urge to push (hadn't with A) and be able to stay fairly calm through it. I remember asking Tennica to just keep telling me what I needed to do. I was so ready to have that baby in my arms! I was able to take a breath once her head is out, I believe Gwenna and Lael came in at that point because I remember hearing my mom's commentary (she was also holding up her phone and facetiming my sister Rose who had just moved to Spain). There is nothing comfortable about having a baby, but moment of a new life being lifted up to you really does make up for all the pain. Nova Lucia Bond was born into a room full love at 6:43pm (don't quote me on that time...). The last rays of evening sun slipping away as if they new they had done their job of lighting her birthday. What followed was a beautiful half hour of getting to know her and relishing the peace of not being in labor. After that half hour, the placenta had still not shown any signs of coming and my midwife was making the decision to get me to the hospital... That's the story I will save for the next post.
There aren't words for the love we have for this new beautiful girl!

my mom was over and i finally agreed to call Rhodric

foot rubs from my mama

Rachel kept me laughing throughout labor

hip squeeze!

look at that contraction!

laughing about the silly rabbit trying to join the birth team

kisses from Gwenna.

my 5 year old support system

Lael needed to breath as deeply as I did

it was actually this laughter filled and chill... unbelievable

laughing right after my water broke on its own


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