
Along with the delightful baby steps toward independence, comes great struggle.

Gwenna is a picture of a thriving toddler! She gets drinks out of the bathroom sink, takes off her pajamas without much help, puts her own boots and scarf on, climbs into the car without help, gets herself a snack when permitted and best of all, kisses me when I cry. She even pooped on the potty yesterday, and I honestly wouldn't have known her two year molars were coming through if she hadn't showed me! Boy, am I glad she did, it makes the grumps so much easier to love(:

So, the struggle: I am afraid our little girl's feelings of self entitlement are growing and thriving much more quickly than any sense of grace and love of others. The three words that most frequent her vocabulary are: me, mine and

I am thankful for how much time I have spent with toddlers, for I fear if I had spent none, I might be subject to believe she the only one. Her intensity and determination is both beautiful and frightening. As my sister says, usually while handing G something she has demanded, "I am sorry, but I do NOT want Gwenna mad at me!"

She is fierce, and beautiful, and growing. I love that being her mother means I get to do so much more than watch her grow. Getting knee deep in the mud and weeds to help her little self makes the victories so much sweeter.


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